A plenary indulgence is a grace granted by the Catholic Church through the merits of Jesus Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and all the saints. It fully remits the temporal punishment due to sins that have already been forgiven in confession. In essence, a plenary indulgence offers the faithful a profound opportunity for spiritual renewal, allowing them to experience the mercy of God in a tangible way. This gift can also be applied to souls in purgatory, helping them attain eternal rest.
The Jubilee Year of 2025, a special Holy Year of grace and renewal proclaimed by Pope Francis, provides unique opportunities to receive a plenary indulgence.During the Jubilee Year 2025, Catholics are invited to participate in specific acts of devotion, charity, and repentance to receive a plenary indulgence. These acts align with the spiritual goals of the Jubilee: conversion, mercy, and communion. The Archdiocese of Washington has outlined particular opportunities and guidelines to help the faithful participate fully.
To receive a plenary indulgence, the following conditions must be met:
Sacramental Confession: Be in a state of grace and go to confession within about 20 days before or after performing the indulgenced act.
Eucharistic Communion: Receive Holy Communion on the same day as the indulgenced act, if possible.
Prayer for the Holy Father’s Intentions: Offer prayers for the Pope’s intentions, such as an Our Father and a Hail Mary.
Detachment from Sin: Have a sincere and complete detachment from all sin, including venial sin.
Jubilee-Specific Acts in the
Archdiocese of Washington:
Pilgrimage to a Holy Door: The Vatican designates certain churches with a Holy Door for the Jubilee Year. Walking through this door symbolizes a personal journey of conversion. In the Archdiocese of Washington, the Holy Door at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception will be a central site for pilgrimages.
Participation in Liturgies and Events: Attend a Jubilee Mass or prayer service, especially those designated as significant by the Archdiocese.
Acts of Mercy and Charity: Perform works of mercy, such as feeding the hungry, visiting the sick, or supporting those in need. These acts embody the spirit of the Jubilee.
Special Prayer Services: Participate in Eucharistic Adoration, recite the Rosary, or join communal prayer events at designated parishes. St. John Neumann has been designated as an official pilgrimage site for the Archdiocese.
Virtual Participation for the Homebound:
For those unable to travel due to illness or other serious reasons, the Church provides alternative ways to gain the indulgence. Unite spiritually with the Jubilee celebrations by praying at home, offering your suffering to God, and fulfilling the core conditions as possible.