Here are a few thoughts on today’s Gospel from the website “Sacred Space” to help you enter into prayer.
Many aspects of the life of Jesus come together in this reading. After the morning drama in the synagogue, Jesus went to the home of Simon and Andrew. The restrictions of Sabbath observance necessitated their having a quiet day. But Simon’s mother-in-law was ill and Jesus was moved to cure her. He always put compassion before the law.
The Sabbath ended at sundown and this allowed “the whole city” to come with their sick and possessed. They encamped at the door until Jesus had exercised his healing power. How late was it when all that was over? Yet in the morning, “while it was still very dark”, Jesus slipped out of the house, found a deserted place, and gave himself to prayer. Why did Jesus feel the need to pray? Are you surprised?
A search party was sent to look for Jesus. When they found him a curious conversation ensued which involved an apostolic choice: to return to Capernaum as the inhabitants wanted, or to move on to other towns? Jesus had already (in prayer?) decided on the latter option. What would you have advised?
The first recorded hours of Jesus’ ministry are a whirlwind of activity. We are meant to catch on to the fact that when Jesus enters human lives, things change fast and for the better for those who are open. A new creation is here! Everyone is meant to get in on it. But what do I need from Jesus? Am I just a spectator in the scene, or am I fighting to get close to him? His presence brings wholeness
– do I need that? People become more alive – do I need that? Simon’s mother-in-law gets the energy to serve – do I need that? Let it not be true that ‘everyone is searching for him’ - except me.
As you know, this weekend is Commitment Weekend for the 2021 Annual Appeal. Thank you for supporting the ministries of our Archdiocese, which in many ways benefit our own parish community. Your giving to the Annual Appeal also strengthens our local Church. Jesus lived in a particular place at a particular time, as did His apostles and their successors, as do we and all Christians. Our particular place is the Church of Washington, and, in this place, we are called to live and preach the Gospel to those within our reach. We extend that reach when we sustain and support the charitable works of our Archdiocese.
This year, you are encouraged to make your Annual Appeal gift online using the website Thank you in advance for helping us to meet this
year’s goal. Please also pray for the success of the Annual Appeal that it may fulfill its mission to strengthen our local Church.
May God bless your generosity as a manifestation of His own sacrificial love.