SATURDAY: 12-1 pm: Drive-in Blessing of Branches, Water and Families at the Church. There are no palms for this Palm Sunday but they can be substituted.
See the attachment for what you can do at home or if you wish...please bring your
own branches or greenery during this time.
Father Bill and I will be at the Church to bless them, as well as any holy water you bring...and also a blessing for you and your family. You will have to stay in your car and the Padres will keep a safe distance. Enter via Warfield Road.
3:30-5:00 pm: Drive-in Confessions. Enter via Warfield Road. Directions will be given when you get there.
Everyone must stay in their cars. One person per car needed.
SUNDAY 9:30 am: Live Stream Mass on our YouTube Channel. A previously recorded Mass will also be available on the YouTube page.
11am-1pm Food Drive: Drop off at the Church. Safe distance will be maintained at all times.
3:30-5:00 pm: Drive-in Confessions. Enter via Warfield Road. Directions will be given when you get there.
Everyone must stay in their cars. One person per car needed
Final Note: All these activities meet the stay at home guidelines.
Be holy and wise...stay at home if you need to and should.
Don't leave if you are not feeling well.