A number of you have been asking me about how to send your envelopes for the Sunday collection. I am edified by your concern and generosity (but not entirely surprised). Thank you!
1. PRAY SUNDAY MASS! March 22nd. Sunday Mass Available On-Line! Let's pray together SJN! 2. FEED THE POOR (I am pretty sure Jesus would want us to) Saint Martin's Pantry Food Drive, Sunday, 11-1 pm at SJN 3. Two New Resources on Our Website: - Indulgences and Creating Family Prayer Space
I am happy to report that I have gotten approval to expose Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament behind the glass doors of the entrance to the Church. Praise Jesus!
Father Bill informed me this morning that he was not feeling great. He wisely decided to go to a doctor just to be sure. He is not exhibiting all the symptoms of Covid19 but he was tested and we will need a few days to get back the results. Again, he is feeling okay but is proceeding with the utmost caution. In an overabundance of caution the priests are going to self-isolate and I am going to close the Church. There will be no confessions and no adoration until further notice
Tomorrow, March 19, on the Feast of St. Joseph, Pope Francis asks the Church: ‘Pray the Rosary (Luminous mysteries) at 9 pm Rome time (4 pm Eastern) on Thursday.’
I wanted to be sure you knew that there is a group of people ready to help anyone in the SJN Community who needs assistance. Please contact the rectory office and we will help you! Call 301-977-5492, email [email protected].
Dear Parishioners, I pray this finds you well. Let’s continue to pray for each other. I wanted to share a few resources with you that have recently been made available . . .
I just received the following notification From the Archdiocese of Washington Acabo de recibir la siguiente notificación de la Arquidiócesis de Washington
A number of you have been inquiring about the COVID-19 virus and its impact at SJN. First, our prayers go out to those affected by the virus. Here is some helpful information directly from the Center for Disease Control website (as of 3/3/20), and some information about what we are doing here at SJN.