The St. Vincent de Paul Society will run a food drive Sunday from 11:00am - 1:00pm to support our interim food pantry. Look for signs in the church parking lot.
If you have collected money during Lent for Operation Rice Bowl, I am told it would be best for families to send in their money directly to the CRS office in Baltimore.
Do you know someone who needs help with groceries? Have them call the St. Vincent de Paul Society at 301-525-3909. They can arrange for food pick-up at SJN.
Join us for Divine Mercy Weekend!! Here is some information about Divine Mercy Weekend at SJN. I encourage you all to focus on, and drink in God's abundant Mercy this weekend! Great Graces!
Happy Easter! The Lord is Risen, Alleluia! I wanted to take a moment, on behalf of all the priests (and our seminarian Conor) to wish you a very Blessed Easter. It has been a Lent like none other . . .
The Divine Mercy Novena Begins on Good Friday. I would beg all who are reading this to pray the novena. Each day we pray for a different intention to convert our hearts and our world to Almighty God.
Some Activities for the Weekend Saturday 12-1pm: Drive-In Blessing of Branches, Water and Families (bring your own water and palms) 3:30 - 5:00pm: Drive-In Confessions Sunday 9:30am: Live Stream Mass on our YouTube Channel (A previously recorded Mass will also be available) 11:00am - 1:00pm: Food Drive 3:30 - 5:00pm: Drive-In Confessions
¡Escucharemos Confesiones Este Fin de Semana! Estaremos ofreciendo la oportunidad de confesiones fuera de la Iglesia este fin de semana en el siguiente horario: Sábado: 3:30-5:00 PM Domingo: 3:30-5:00 PM Tanto el Padre Bill como un servidor escucharemos confesiones en ambas ocasiones.
Our wonderful Saint Vincent de Paul Society is coordinating a food pantry primarily for St. John Neumann Parish in anticipation of record employment and financial loss. All items collected the next two Sundays will be for our own pantry. Details about how the collected canned goods will be distributed is forthcoming. THIS COMING SUNDAY, APRIL 5th, and NEXT SUNDAY, APRIL 12th, from 11:00am - 1:00pm If you are going to the store for food and supplies please pick up a few extra items.
Confessions Will Take Place This Weekend! We will be offering confessions outside at the Church this weekend at the following times: Saturday: 3:30-5:00 PM Sunday: 3:30-5:00 PM Both Father Bill and I will be hearing confessions during these times.